The Language Teacher Helpmate
FLEvideo hosts a growing bank of videos with short quizzes to test student comprehension. Once you create an account, a teacher code is created which you can give to students, so that upon submitting their results, the results for each student are recorded in your profile. It is a great tool for integrating more listening tasks for students.
Songs by Alain le Lait. A number of fun, easy to learn resources on a variety of
topics such as numbers, colours, family, and body parts which can be used for a variety of
year levels.
Culturethèque is an initiative of the Institut Français which collates resources for French teaching, with a particular focus on cultural education. Once you register, you gain access to newspapers, books and other teaching resources.
Lawless French is a French resource blog with vocabulary, grammar, culture lessons. It features fun topics, such as French texting. It also contains videos, tips and tools for teachers.
Podcast Français Facile provides excellent resources with a number of exercises and explanations for different macro language skills. The site is organised into useful categories such as dialogues, grammar, texts, phonetics, verbs, videos, stories, vocabulary and poems just to name a few. Many of the audio files are repeated slowly then at a more natural pace.
Clep was created by the French National Ministry for Higher Education and Research, and supports the promotion of French education worldwide. The site contains a compilation of resources for both teachers and students.
frenchteacher.net was created by Steve Smith, one of the co-authors of The Language Teacher Toolkit. It offers a variety of resources organised by year level, as well as a teacher’s guide which includes lesson plans and guides on how to use texts.
Les Zexperts is a site that provides excellent games and grammar through play to get your students talking.
A range of eBooks available in English, French and Spanish at La Reforme du Lycee.
Bonjour de France is a "free online magazine containing exercises, tests and games for learning French as well as pedagogy cards for teachers of French as a second language." The karaoke section is a particular favourite with students.
The French section on TES includes "resources and ideas for French, written by teachers to support teaching and learning". Some resources are free and others are paid, but you'll find many topics.
Le Point du FLE offers "more that 3300 links to the best free resources for preparing your curriculum." These resources include online exercises, printable worksheets and listening tasks.
Education et Numerique is a free online platform where teachers can "easily create their own interactive pedagogical resources". The site also features a "free catalogue of resources". It is geared towards the DELF exam, but you will find useful activities for listening comprehension, reading and writing.
TV5Monde hosts a French learning site, Apprendre le français avec TV5Monde. Here, you can listen to and watch authentic French stories with supporting activities.
Lutin Bazar is a blog that aims to "share and exchange" teaching knowledge. Run by a teacher, it offers years worth of resources. The author encourages discussion between users. The site also offers free French language grammar posters.
The Simpsons Park is a site that uses TV show The Simpsons to help teach.
Here is a list of French films for children.
Mrs Geek Chic offers "ed tech du jour from a nerdy French teacher".
iSLCollective is essentially, the French version of TES. You do need to sign up but there are excellent free resources available.
French Playground offers free online activities and events for French teachers.
Ulule has a great range of resources en francais!
BBC's Super Movers has nice introductory resources with Premier League footballers!
100 Stories for the whole family in French.
Exploring the love of French gastronomy with France 24.
Watch the animated Adventures of Tintin in French!
Multilingual video resources in French & Spanish.
Frenchteacher.net is an amazing site with a huge collection of links to blogs and other resources.
Great series of cultural clips en Francais at France Bienvenue.
Adorable content at La Maternelle de Moustache!
Dictionnaire des francophones: le francais par tous
American Association of Teachers of French: Curated Resources
PDC in MFL: Research for Language Teaching online resources
Learn French | MHS | Scoop | Teachers Pay Teachers
French Wizard | Learn French by Podcast
10 Sites for Oral Comprehension
FLEVideo | Cinema Français-FLE
Lingua | Verbs Online | Français Interactif | Bonjour de France | Bescherelle |
French-Games | Digital Dialects
Podcast Français Facile | Le Plaisir d'Apprendre
Le Professeur de Français | Programme de FLE | Jalons
Webmaster Gratuit | BBC | Radio Canada | Savoirs | List of French TV shows available on Netflix | Ecouter Radio En Ligne
Films Documentaires | Les Courts Metrages